Great stock tips more than cover my subscription.

“I keep renewing because you follow the KISS principle – ‘Keep It Simple Stupid’. When there is nothing new, you say so.”

R. M.
“I’m tracking well and enjoying being a member. Some of your philosophies and viewpoints have helped influence my approach massively.”

P. B.
“In my investment journey, I have subscribed to many quality newsletters. Marcus Today by far the best.”

J. W.
“Great content and advice you can use to make $$$. It’s all about knowledge: the more you have, the further you’ll get.”

C. B.
“Your daily commentary is something that I cannot do without, a bit like chocolate! It’s like talking to your best mate over a beer.”

S. H.
“Marcus, without a doubt you have the best market analysis of any investment body I have subscribed to over the years.”

J. K.
“I’ve done well… not so much out of buying, but not selling. You’ve given me the confidence and knowledge to hold rather than sell.”

G. C.
“Easy when markets go up, up, up… it’s when sh*t hits the fan that you need some advice. That’s why I joined Marcus Today.”

H. K.
Very happy to remain a subscriber. Lots of good stock market advice from Marcus and Henry, with an entertaining and down-to-earth journalistic style.
The team at MT does a great job.

R. H.
D. E.
“Education, ideas, entertainment, community. I find it valuable, and have recouped the subscription fee without any trouble.”

D. L.
Thank you all for the effort that goes into the newsletter and it is the personal touch and the enthusiasm shown dispensing such incredible knowledge and experience. It is this that has kept me as a supporter and that gets me to remain as a subscriber.
Finally, after two decades of building my own share portfolio with some success (dumb luck?), I joined MT just over two years ago hoping to better educate myself about the share market and learn more about share trading as a side activity. I wish to let you know I have found the information and strategy provided by you to be an invaluable resource and appreciate your ongoing efforts to improve what is already by far the best Australian share market newsletter on the market.
Thanks for all you do.
I hold the Marcus Today newsletter in very high regard and place a lot of trust in the views and information provided, especially that it is truly independent.
Thanks for your incredible newsletter – I am a very happy devotee.
“Marcus Today provides a great opportunity to educate yourself. Wish I was reading when I was a young investor.”

V. K.
After many years, I still love “ Marcus Today “
“Actionable advice, not wooly and vague hints… good advice that sometimes goes counter to boring financial advice orthodoxies.”

E. U.
The newsletter, [as a] whole is excellent and the only stock market newsletter worthwhile subscribing to.
The combination of you and Henry is perfect, the tone of the content is spot on.
As interest in the share market is a passion for me, I have thoroughly enjoyed reading your newsletters every day this year and often, a few times a day!
The MT newsletter is my “go to” and first choice of share news to check on every morning.
Timing the market – themes, macro and sentiments and when they change sure set the scene.
Coupled with other data to analyse risk helps.
Sounds simple, but practice – including don’t predict, re-act timeliness – helps also.
Thank you for helping us muddle through a challenging year.